The Power of FOCUS and How to Overcome Your Distractions

Did you know that human beings can focus on one thing for about 12 minutes before they need a break? That's all the time you get to really get into your work or studies before you need a few minutes to recharge. In this article, we'll talk about how to be as productive as possible and how to keep your mind from wandering. Here are some tips for harnessing the power of focus this new year.

It's a new year and many of us have made resolutions to improve our lives. But as our resolutions gradually fall by the wayside, it becomes clear that change is not as easy as we thought it would be. If you're having trouble following through with your resolutions, here are a few tips for how to harness the power of focus. One key element to focus is understanding what motivates you. Do you want to lose weight? Be more productive? Or do you want to spend more time with your loved ones? Understanding what drives you will make it easier to stay focused on what matters most to you this new year.

The Power of Focus

Did you know that human beings can focus on one thing for about 12 minutes before they need a break? That's all the time you get to really get into your work or studies before you need a few minutes to recharge. In this article, we'll talk about how to be as productive as possible and how to keep your mind from wandering. Here are some tips for harnessing the power of focus this new year.

Overcoming Distractions

The most important thing you can do is to learn to disconnect from the distractions that are all around you. Some of the most popular distractions include email, social media, and the internet. These things can be extremely tempting, but they also have a tendency to become addictive.

How to Stay Focused

So how do you actually put into practice the things you want to accomplish this year? Below are three helpful tips that you can use to bring focus to the things you want to accomplish this year.

Make a List

One of the most effective ways to stay focused is to make a list. Create a list of things you want to do this year and then evaluate them against your priorities.

What is the main objective of the exercise? Is it to improve your health? Increase your productivity? Or maybe it's to spend more time with family and friends? Having this clear vision in mind will help you identify what are truly the priorities in your life.

Set a Time Limit

Once you've figured out what you want to accomplish this year, it's time to set a deadline.

What Motivates You?

The first step is to understand your motivations, so it's important to take time to sit down and talk with yourself. Identify the areas that drive you. Perhaps you want to be more focused so that you can achieve your goals, or perhaps you want to be more efficient so that you can spend less time in the office. Whatever the goal may be, figure out what drives you to change. What are your motivators? How does this matter to you? Once you figure it out, you will be able to prioritize and keep your focus.

You also need to understand why you are giving up. It might be that you've failed to meet your goal, or you may be disappointed by your lack of progress. Whatever the cause is, it's important to identify what motivates you to give up and then find ways to work around those failures.

How to Manage Your Energy

You're so focused on what you're trying to achieve that you can forget that it takes energy to get where you want to go. This is true whether you're trying to stay focused on your work or maintaining your enthusiasm for getting up in the morning. You'll need to find ways to manage your energy levels if you want to be as productive as possible. One of the most important steps is to stop using power naps as a quick fix to help you concentrate. The truth is that if you take a power nap that lasts longer than 20 minutes, it has no long-term benefit. Instead, choose to power nap in small intervals throughout the day.

It's easy to look at some of the new gadgets that you want in your life and think, "I'm going to make my life easier by using a new toy".

Get Creative

When your mind starts to wander, your best bet is to simply not let it go. Many creative endeavors require focusing completely on what you are doing. Writing a novel requires dedication, precision and focus. If you are looking to improve your writing, try setting aside time to do something you enjoy, rather than just giving yourself a deadline and then using distraction as an excuse to quit. The most important thing about trying to improve at something is simply to give it your all. Research shows that people with the most attention to detail, the best attention span, are those who stay on course the longest. Some of the world's greatest athletes and scientists all set and maintain extremely high standards.

TIP #1- Take Care of Yourself

Have a daily schedule. You cannot achieve anything without structure. Even if you set your schedule in five minute increments, commit to that time for an hour each day. If you are not familiar with a schedule, try setting up an alarm that will go off every hour. This will force you to schedule in this time for yourself and remind you to take care of yourself.

TIP #1.1- Use 3-Minute Breaks.

Your mind will wander in between blocks of work. Think of 3 minute intervals of uninterrupted work. As you move through your tasks, take time to disengage from distractions. The next time a new email message pops up, look at it for 3 minutes without responding. The next time your phone rings, focus on it for 3 minutes without picking it up. Each time your mind wanders, take a break for 3 minutes.

TIP #2- Eat Healthy

Eating well can keep you healthy, relieve stress, and bring you into a better mood. A healthier diet can also help you better manage your time. The right diet will help you avoid high blood sugar and other chronic conditions.

But you don't have to change your entire diet in one day. There are easy ways to include more healthy food choices in your daily diet without having to give up the foods that you enjoy. Here are a few tips to add more healthy food choices to your diet:

Take the stairs: The key to reaching your goals is to start small. Try to take the stairs instead of the elevator at your work.

Slow down: If you can take a few minutes each day to take a deep breath and slow down, you'll be well on your way to managing your stress levels and increasing your productivity.

TIP #3- Exercise and Relaxation

Research shows that physical activity can help you to feel more energized and focused. If you find yourself in a creative slump, finding an activity to engage in may help you get back on track. Try using the momentum of exercise to stay focused and you'll be surprised at how much easier it is to complete your task. If you're having trouble finding the energy to work out, you may want to consider a warm bath or some yoga to make you feel refreshed. Remember, it's your goals and not your own willpower that will carry you through the year. You don't have to work through a mental block to complete your task.

TIP #4- Diversely Engage

When you think about people who are highly productive, you may not think of some of the more unlikely people who have achieved impressive results.

TIP #4- Sleep and Rest

Ever heard of "Busyness Kills?" It's a classic book, for sure, but it might be time to bring it out of the drawer and use it to help you become more focused this new year. When you are tired, your energy levels are low and you will be more susceptible to distraction. Because of this, it's important to get enough sleep, eat a balanced diet, and exercise regularly. Also, it's important to remember that while technology has made it easier to stay in touch, it has also made us feel less connected with our loved ones and have less time for self-care. A great way to combat these feelings is to schedule regular phone calls with loved ones. Schedule time for yourself to meet friends or go on vacation, where you can fully disconnect from your job.


Of course, distractions will pop up on you as you work, but if you plan ahead, you can minimize the amount of time you spend on them. Use these tips as a starting point, and use them to make sure you are consistently getting better results each and every time you get into the field.

Are you curious to learn more about how to improve your ability to focus?


Michael B. McPherson:  He is the author of several books including, Why You Are Not Getting ahead: The Secrets of the “Good” workers, and Mastery: The Key to Success in Life and Business.