The Health Benefits of Garlic: The Superfood You Shouldn't Ignore.

Garlic is one of those vegetables that’s always been considered a bit of an outcast due to its strong odor. It was never considered a major food because it didn't have any real health benefits. Turns out, we were wrong.
Garlic is now being hailed as the superfood we should all be including in our diet for many reasons: it boosts your immune system, lowers cholesterol and blood pressure, and prevents cancer and heart disease. This article will take you through everything you need to know about this amazing veggie, from its history to the health benefits, so you can start cooking with garlic today!
The history of garlic
Believed to have originated in Central Asia, garlic has been around for more than 6,000 years. It was first domesticated by the Ancient Egyptians and used for cooking and medicine.
Garlic is still popular today. Garlic production is at an all-time high, with nearly 2 million metric tons of garlic produced in 2016.
One of the most interesting things about garlic's history is that it was once believed to ward off vampires. Surprisingly, this belief still exists today in some parts of Eastern Europe!
What is in garlic?
Garlic is a root vegetable that has been used for centuries. It can be found in almost every cuisine in the world, and not just for flavor.
Garlic contains allicin, which is what gives garlic its distinctive taste and smell. This compound has many health benefits.
It's also very high in Vitamin C, which has antioxidant properties that may help prevent cancer. Garlic is also high in manganese, which helps with brain function and may reduce the risk of Parkinson’s disease.
Additionally, garlic contains flavonoids, which are antioxidants that can reduce your risk of heart disease. Flavonoids also have anti-inflammatory properties that make garlic great at reducing pain or swelling due to injury or illness.
Benefits of garlic
Garlic has been used for over 7,000 years because it's a rich source of vitamins and minerals. It contains allicin, an odorless compound that works as a powerful antioxidant and antimicrobial agent. Allicin also aids in detoxification and blood pressure control.
Garlic is also a strong source of sulfur compounds, which are important for boosting your immune system, lowering cholesterol and blood pressure, and preventing cancer and heart disease.
A team of University of Missouri researchers has discovered that another nutrient in garlic offers the brain protection against aging and disease. The finding provides more understanding of how garlic may prevent age-related neurological diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.
Today, garlic is heralded as the superfood you should be including in your diet to reap its many benefits!

Boosts the immune system
Garlic has long been praised for its ability to boost the immune system. Including it in your diet will help you fight off sickness and stay healthy.
One of the main reasons garlic is so good for your immune system is because of its sulphur compounds. Sulphur is present in many plants, but it's especially high in garlic, which makes it a great natural defense against bacteria and viruses that can spread through your body.
When you eat garlic, it boosts your body's production of white blood cells to keep you healthy. These cells are less likely to be attacked by other organisms while they're fighting off any potential illnesses.
Garlic also contains anti-inflammatory properties, which are crucial in dealing with infections or even preventing them outright. The best way to reap these benefits is by eating fresh garlic every day!
Lowers cholesterol
Garlic can actually help lower your cholesterol levels. It works to do this by boosting the production of HDL (good) cholesterol in your body.
The reason garlic can reduce your cholesterol is because it contains allicin, which is an anti-oxidant that helps to break down plaque in your blood vessels. This reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke.
Studies show that consuming two or three cloves of raw garlic per day can reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol by up to 10 percent. It's important to note, however, that if you're taking medication for high cholesterol, consult with your doctor before adding more garlic to your diet.
Reduces blood pressure
One of the more overlooked health benefits of garlic is its ability to reduce blood pressure. This is due to the chemical allicin, which can improve your cardiovascular health by contracting your blood vessels and lowering the heart rate.
Prevents cancer and heart disease
Garlic has been heralded as a super food for centuries. Known for its strong, distinctive smell and flavor, it has been used in traditional diets for centuries due to its medicinal properties. This article will introduce you to this incredible vegetable and show you just how many ways it can improve your life!

Garlic is a delicious and versatile ingredient that has been used for thousands of years. Not only is it tasty, but it can also help boost your immune system, lower your cholesterol, and even prevent cancer and heart disease.
In this article, we have looked at some of the many health benefits of garlic and ways to use it in your cooking.
If you're a garlic lover like me, then I hope that this article has given you some new ideas on how to enjoy your favorite food even more.
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